No vehicle workshop is complete without some sort of car lift. Some car lifts allow you to store vehicles above others, thus creating more space on the workshop floor. Other car lifts enable you to access the wheels and undercarriage of a vehicle so that you can provide sufficient maintenance and repair work for your clients. Either way, car lifts play an integral role in the general workings of a vehicle workshop.

There are many different types of car lifts out there, but in this article, we’ll be focusing on the advantages that hydraulic car lifts have to offer you.

How Does A Hydraulic Car Lift Work?

Any sort of hydraulic system works by using a certain fluid, which is pushed from a container to a hollow cylinder. This forces a piston upward, which is what causes the lift to move. This process is reversed when it comes time for the vehicle to be lowered. Hydraulic lifts are mostly used in parking lifts.

Saves On Space

All workshop owners will know about the struggle to save on floor space. But hydraulic lifts take up a smaller amount of space when compared to other lifts, allowing you more space on the workshop floor for other types of equipment.

hydraulic car lifts

Has Fewer Parts

Other types of lifts have a lot of moving parts. The more moving parts, the more complications, potential breakages, and safety concerns you have to deal with. Hydraulic lifts have relatively few parts, which is definitely an advantage in this case.

Safe To Operate

Operating any type of heavy machinery can be dangerous at times. That is why it is so important to read the manufacturer’s instructions carefully and ensure that the operator knows what they are doing. However, in comparison to other types of machinery, hydraulic lifts are very safe and easy to operate.

Strong And Durable

Hydraulic car lifts are known for their strong and durable qualities and their resistance to breaking. If you properly look after and maintain your lift, it could last you for many, many years, making it a great investment for your workshop.

Are you looking to purchase hydraulic car lifts in New Zealand? Here at MAHA Premium Workshop Equipment, we have everything you could be looking for in terms of vehicle lifts. Allow our workshop equipment experts to offer you professional advice. Get in touch with us today for more information.